• How to Repurpose Your Event Content Like a Pro

    Thursday, Jul 25, 2024

    Repurposing content, or creating fresh and engaging content, can be a daunting task, and your events generate a goldmine of content.

    By repurposing event themes and messages, you can create a variety of content formats that cater to different audiences. For example, transforming event sessions into blog posts and video snippets for social media allows you to deliver your message in different formats. Another important thing to consider is repurposing content based on audience feedback and real-time insights from events. This enables you to fine-tune your content strategy and better serve your target audience.

    Leveraging AI tools for efficient content repurposing can also save time and resources. Lastly, measuring the success of your repurposed content helps you gauge its impact and make data-driven decisions to optimize future content strategies. 


    In this session, you’ll learn about:

    • The importance of repurposing event content to extend the lifespan of content beyond the event itself  
    • What event content encompasses (presentations, videos, sessions, photos, social media posts, etc).  
    • What kind of content can you create from these - E.g. blog posts, social media posts, videos, infographics, and podcasts.  
    • Tips on how to repurpose content and how to select what you will repurpose   
    • How to repurpose marketing content for events (e.g. the other way round)  
    • Tools and technologies that are useful for repurposing  
    • Measuring success of repurposed content (website analytics, engagement metrics, lead generation, etc.)  
    • Examples of repurposed content, common hurdles in repurposing content and how to overcome them