• Defining Success for You, Your Team, AND Your Clients

    Monday, Jul 1, 2024

    The definition of a successful accounting practice has changed dramatically over the years, and more than ever the personal fulfillment of the owner(s) and staff has emerged as a priority.   Profitability is always going to be important, but success is more than just a bottom-line figure.   In fact, YOUR definition of success is going to be different than every other firm owner out there.   That unique definition does not need to hold you back in applying best practices learned from other successful firm owners.  If done correctly, you, your team, AND your clients will all win with your transformation.   In this webinar, we will discuss tips and tricks for defining your own unique definition of success, tips & tools for moving your firm in the right direction, and answer any questions you may have for our presenters.


    Learning Objectives:

    1. Receive tools and tips for identifying your own unique definition of success.
    2. Learn best practice tricks for building a real business plan to achieve that success.
    3. Discuss processes and methodologies for making both small and large changes in your firm.