• The Evolution of The R&D Tax Credit: What You Need To Know For 2024 Tax Returns


    In this webinar, Randy and Phil from Tri-Merit will be sharing tips on getting prepared for filing your 2024 R&D tax credits. They will also be providing an update on recent court cases and the new Form 6765, along with new documentation requirements. This session will provide guidance for you and your clients on filing, and education on the 174 capitalization outlook. This webinar is completely free to attend, and is eligible for a complimentary CPE credit.

    1. Understand the key steps in preparing for filing 2024 R&D tax credits.
    2. Analyze recent court cases related to R&D tax credits and their impact on documentation requirements and methods..
    3. Examine the updates to Form 6765 and identify the new requirements.
    4. Evaluate the current outlook on Section 174 capitalization and its implications for R&D expenses.